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Hygeine / Periodontal Dental.

Good dental hygiene is very important to your oral health.

What you do at home, your personal oral hygiene (such as brushing, flossing and your diet habits) is just as important as professional dental hygiene carried out at Sunshine Coast Prosthodontics.

After all, most people visit us once or twice a year, whereas you look after your own oral hygiene 24 hours a day 7 days a week. So, your dental care habits at home are very important. That’s why we take an interest in what you do, and can help tailor a plan to your own individual needs.

It needs to be a personalised approach, because dental health varies so much from person to person. Some people are more susceptible to the build-up of bacteria in their mouth than others; some are more likely to have issues with gingivitis, and some patients have more problems with periodontitis (gum or jaw bone disease) than others.

Then there’s the professional aspect of dental and oral hygiene, when you visit your dentist for a clean and check-up. This is generally done twice a year, but some people need more frequent attention to ensure the health of their mouth and teeth.

At Sunshine Coast Prosthodontics, we work together with you to create the best possible dental hygiene, keeping your teeth, gums and jaw as healthy as possible, because prevention is better than cure.

Achieve the smile you've always imagined.